
Linda ronstadt hasten down the wind.
Linda ronstadt hasten down the wind.

linda ronstadt hasten down the wind.

The biggest, most immediate staging in the largest acoustic space.What the Best Sides of Hasten Down The Wind Have to Offer Is Not Hard to Hear We know because we cleaned and played it and listened to it critically in comparison to other copies, and we did it all by ourselves. We know that this copy is about as correct as can be. Some are thick, some are thin, some are too clean, some are not clean enough, every sonic issue you can imagine can be heard on this album if you have enough copies to play, and we had plenty. Perhaps the result of too much Aphex Aural Excitement? Some have a phony boosted top end, a subject we have discussed on Linda’s records before. If you own the record see if you don’t notice some of them on your own copy. Most pressings of this album have quite obvious problems. In other words, this is Classic Analog from the ’70s, recorded by none other than Val Garay, one of our favorite engineers. The sound is rich, smooth, full-bodied and natural on both sides. Like the best moments of the preceding nine, though, the best moments of Hasten Down the Wind will be with us a long, long time.” “Her big but pretty voice is a stunning instrument for expressing feelings, particularly intense feelings that require a slightly understated delivery… a fine album that begs closer inspection than, I fear, many of us are willing to give to Linda Ronstadt’s art.

linda ronstadt hasten down the wind.

This copy is doing it all - huge, rich and lively, with Linda’s vocals reproduced to near perfection.

Linda ronstadt hasten down the wind.